Based on feedback from consumers such as yourself, UNCLE BEN'S will not be advertising on Sun TV in 2012.
We thank you for taking the time to contact us with your concerns and for your loyalty towards the UNCLE BEN'S brand.
If you wish to post a statement to your blog, please only post the above statement.
We thank you for your interest in our products.
Your Friends at MARS Canada Inc.
Background here. BOOYAH!

Well done.
wow! good job!
I'm sorry, I can't bring myself to actually watch Sun TV. Who are the other prominent advertisers that we might target?
Never mind beating back the conservative menace, how about just beating back freedom of speech. What IS it with you people? As for you, Shakey, you are oh so typical...sneeringly condescending, incapable of even considering there may be another view other than your own. My, my, you can't "bring" yourself to watch SunTV. Why not at least give it a try. But then then, why would you? The left has never been particularly tolerant of any views other than its own.
Excellent. I think approaching advertisers is definitely the way to go.
Never mind beating back the conservative menace, how about just beating back freedom of speech.
Funny, freedom of speech is rarely free... it needs advertisers. ;)
Low rating were probably also a factor in Uncle Ben's decision.
You conservative trolls whining about free speech. Really rich considering your side is trying to criminalize anyone left of your man Stephen Harper.
Congrats! I just wrote to MARS to congratulate them too.
BCL - congrats on using free speech to convince Uncle Ben's to reconsider its advertising expenditures.
As to the Controlls here, free speech? Are you f'ing kidding me? What's all this about trying to shut down CBC? That's your version of free speech, using the government to shut down alternative views to Sun Media, Postmedia, G&M editorial board, etc? You make me laugh with your lack of self awareness and hypocrisy.
In other good news, it seems "Sun Radio" (AM640 Toronto) will no longer be the Home of the Leafs. They aren't being renewed to broadcast the games. While they are now running ads about how they value all opinions different than their own, just try to get on the air on their many talk shows, unless you are either a righty, or a concern troll playing an over the top caricature of the "left" so their hosts don't have to work too hard to refute you.
The left has never been particularly tolerant of any views other than its own.
I read the Sun every day. For some reason, many columnists get sacked if they express any views other than those of Pelladeau.
cutting off public money to the CBC to force them off the governments teet and cutting off private money to Sun news to shut them down for having a alteritive point of view is two totaly different things.
As for Conservitive menace, I'm glad that I have a government in power that is trying to stop the big brother librals from slowly shutting out my way off life in their self proclaimed "social engineering" (Libral party said it, not me).
BTW here is the difrence between the two news agencies: sun news is reporting on the factual numbers and sheer coruption leading to the waste of over 70 million dollars a year in the 1800 population villiage of attiwapiskat (about 30 mil public, 40 mil private from the mine), Sun news also pointed out that the NPD MP that is raising the biggest stink over how the conservitive government won't help these people, has infact been the MP representing these people for the last 7 years and is only raising a stink now that the band has brought it to the media. CBC on the other hand is crying that we should give them more money, send in the army (at $250k + a day) and build them new homes despite the fact that every family is entitled to more then double what I make in a year tax free from the public money alone + any wages they earn + money from the mine (oh and I own and maintain a house no problem with the meager 50k - taxes I make).
Give your head a shake after you pull it out of the sand
To all the conservatives complaining... your buddies in the US forced lowes to stop advertising on TLC's All American Muslim.
This has led to widespread calls for boycotting lowe's and Russel Simmons to buy out all advertising spots on the Show.
If you want to save your beloved sun then do somthing about it! Uncle bens has right to pull their commercials when it is paired with homophobic ones, just like lowes does. And like all companies they will have to deal with the consequences.
Thats hillarious. Good work. SUN News is crap and nothing about "free speech" entitles it to advertising dollars.
LEP sais: "cutting off public money to the CBC to force them off the governments teet and cutting off private money to Sun news to shut them down for having a alteritive point of view is two totaly different things."
But in the end, the effect is the same.
I got the same email two days ago. Nice job BCL for starting this thing.
To the Conservotards trying to spin this as a Free Speech Issue:
Is anyone outlawing SunTV's hateful speech? No! They can go ahead and say whatever they want. As for their financial situation, anyone who feels sad for SunTV can feel free to pay the revenue lost from Uncle Ben's from their own pocket. No one is stopping them.
It's funny how the right's "freedom of speech" requires that I lose all my rights as a consumer.
I can refuse to buy whatever I want from whomever I want. That is not in any way a Freedom of Speech issue.
Who cares...
But great assault on free speech and democracy! Well done you commrade!
Jymn Parrett, upon last check the 'Controlls' were only asking that the CBC have their $1,200,000,000 CAD of taxpayer's money removed from their budget. Hardly the definition of shutting down alternative views.
Cry me a river conservotards!
It's funny how the right's "freedom of speech" requires that everyone else lose all their consumer rights.
That is not in any way a Freedom of Speech issue. If you feel bad for the Sun TV then feel free to donate to Sun Media.
Freedom to be a bigot does not equal freedom of speech in my mind. I am glad we have regulation in Canada to deal with that sort of bile (although, we MUST be watchful!) I also can't watch Suntv or read any Quebecor media without vomiting in my mouth a little. Not because opinions are different, but, because they are oversimplified 'soft news' and support confirmation bias in the less educated rank-and-file of our society. It's just mean-spirited. Let's get along, kids!
I think you may have made a mistake bragging about this. Uncle Ben's is going to lose a lot of Conservative eaters now -- and they are probably less fussy about the salt.
F*ckin' A, bro. Well done! Happy New Year.
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